Monday, November 1, 2010

Meet Zuma The Dog Woofilicous Kids Clothes from the UK

Meet Zuma The Dog Woofilicous Kids Clothes from the UK

Introducing Zuma the Dog - a woofilicous new range of unisex kids clothes from the UK including iconic jumpers, jeans and t-shirts. The accessories range is growing as well, complementing the clothes with striking greeting cards, toys and far more to come.

Zuma the Dog's philosophy is joy and brightness by casting aside dullness, and uniformity. Designer Sam explains: "I was fed up of seeing all the dark uniform, stuff in stores and wanted my one year old son to be dressed in something a bit different to what was available. Ghastly greens, browns and blacks with nonsense logos weren't what I wanted for him."

"My background in the fashion industry supplying young fashion to high street multiples meant I knew I could make this work," commented Sam from her home in Taunton, England. "There was a big gap in the market, I looked around and found few equivalents to my range."There aren't many character-inspired designs that aren't led by television shows and comics - and I find that's a real shame."

And she shares the home with Zuma, a loving, lively and friendly dog who fed Sam's creativity with his exuberance. Now he shares her attention with the demands of being a mom and running a growing business.


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