Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Little Fashion Days 40% off Kids Designer Clothes Until Nov. 28th

Little Fashion Days 40% off Kids Designer Clothes Until Nov. 28th

Little Fashion Gallery has started their LFDays event until November 28th where you'll receive 40% off on kids fashion items.

Find some amazing deals just in time for the holidays on designer children's clothes from: Antik Batik, Album di Famiglia, Bellerose, Bonpoint, Caramel Baby and Child, Finger in the Nose, Kico Kids, Lil and the Funky Boys, Maan, Paul & Joe Little, Petite Maloles, Quincy, Troizenfants, Tuss, Victoria Christmas, WOWO and more.

Based in Paris, France, Little Fashion Gallery offers free exchanges and returns (within the European Union) and rapid and reliable delivery by UPS.


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