Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Agoo Kids Apprael Introduces VIP Card

Agoo Kids Apprael Introduces VIP Card

For a limited time only, Agoo is offering an exclusive VIP card to their preferred customers for $10.

Agoo Apparel is uniquely styled athletic wear for urban kids that let's them "stay out and play". It's functional, fashionable and makes being a kid a lot more fun. Agoo's fabrics contain a strong UV protected finish, blocking out any harmful ultra violet rays. No matter how many times you wash it our expose it to sunlight or salt water, the protection is always there.

Here are some of the online boutique offerings for VIP members:
35% off May 5-10th
50% off 2nd item Aug. 5-10th
35% off Oct. 5-10th
50% off Jan. 5-10th
10% off with any other offer
Free shipping - one time only


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